The Bear Growls: Terrible’s Casino lies about a promotion — again
December 22, 2003
Terrible’s Casino in Las Vegas recently advertised a promotion for a Saturday evening from 6 PM to midnight, during which time suited blackjacks would pay 3-1.
Terrible’s personnel were telling the public the day before the promotion that it would not have a limit, other than table max. They lied. At the last minute, Terrible’s changed it to a $50 per hand limit, though you were allowed to play two hands, if you could find a table that had two empty spots when you first sat down.
Attending the promotion was a total waste of time.
Terrible’s has reneged and lied about promotions in the past, and once even tried to change the rules to disqualify a particular patron from a drawing. The Gaming Control Board had to get involved to force the casino to follow its own published rules. It’s a shame that this casino continues to lie and mislead the public about its promotions. Hopefully, the public will eventually realize that the seemingly good promotions are often bogus, and will stop going there.