Bear Praise: Reno Gaming agent chases and kills apparent dangerous criminal

Nevada Gaming Control 

Having interacted with three or four Reno-area gaming agents, when I first heard this story but didn’t yet know the agent’s name, I thought I knew who it was by the quick, correct, decisive action the particular agent has taken several times when faced with casino wrongdoing. But Agent Hatcher is unknown to me.

If the facts are correctly reported, I consider Agent Hatcher to be a hero. He was about to enjoy his morning coffee, but instead went out of his way to help a stranger, at serious risk to himself. The civilian who helped him should be commended as well. Congratulations to Agent Hatcher and the unnamed truck driver. As a frequent critic of the Gaming Control Board and Nevada law enforcement in general, I find it nice to be able to make a positive comment when deserved.

Gaming agent shot man he feared carjacked a woman

What a difference between Agent Hatcher and the slimeball Bobby Siller discussed in my previous post.


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