Originally Posted 4/28/06 – Soaring Eagle actions are beyond stupid

The Bear Growls:  Soaring Eagle actions are beyond stupid

April 28, 2006

From the article  Lansing man faces casino larceny charges
Timko said he cashed out the $20 in credit left on the slot machine and deposited it into his machine, which was nearby. After playing for nearly 45 minutes, the older couple came back and asked him if he had taken the credits left in the slot machine, Timko said. He denied he had taken the credits because he said he did not want to argue with the couple and was unsure what action to take.

Timko should have returned the $20 in slot credits to the “older couple” instead of lying about it. But the casino pursuing it to the degree that it did is beyond stupid. A casino employee with common sense probably could have mollified the couple by giving them the $20 and a dinner comp. A police officer with common sense could have recommended that. Perhaps this was done and the couple still wasn’t satisfied, in which case they are the unreasonable ones. But I don’t think the casino should have gotten further involved to the point of calling Timko at his home. Granted, Timko appears to be a jerk. But the casino should have made the couple whole and a little more, and that should have been the end of it. We’re talking about a petty amount of money here; the apparent overreaction by everyone involved is absurd. Someone with sense should have stopped this before it spun out of control, now wasting taxpayer money, too. Where do casinos find the people who handle things in this manner?


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